Monday, January 25, 2010

An Indian Citizen's thought!!

We see beggars all around us. Has anyone thought why India has so many beggars? It seems that it has become an easy profession for so many people who don’t know how to earn in another easier way. Tiny kids who can even barely walk are even seeing begging around at traffic signals with their elder siblings. India is supposed to become a superpower by 2020. Well, how will a superpower look if it has so many beggars on the streets? In my opinion begging should be banned. Like as shown in the Oscars winning movie ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ it leads to illegal trading and business.
Well India lacks in the field of sports also.. Other than cricket and some others India lacks the infrastructure and facilities in others. Having the 2nd largest population in the world and bagging only 3 medals in the Olympics is not something to be proud of. Also, India lacks the number of security personnel in many cities. Having a population of about 1,139,964,932 and still counting, and lacking the number of basic security persons is a shame. The authorities say there are not many applications coming. Well, if they are not coming, why not make them coming. So why not the politicians who are so called our representatives do something? Why not rehabilitate these beggars and give them proper education and train them in some sports or as a policeman. This will not only benefit the nation but also these kids who are left to beg by their guardians and their future in tatters. Implementing this thought in a proper way will definitely make the society a much better place to live in. Instead of making statues of politicians, calling bandhs and blaming each other, the government should step up and start working on the basics way to improve the condition of the people of the country. Then only we can say that India is on the course of becoming a superpower.